Welcome to Light Church.

We are Light Church.

The church, previously known as Penkhull Christian Fellowship, was established in Stoke-on-Trent in the 1940s.

Located on the top of the hill in Penkhull, our mission remains the same, to be a light on the hill by bringing good news and hope to people all around - loving people and drawing them to Jesus as we do so.


Join us on Sundays at our main building on Franklin Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 5DS.

The service starts at 10:30am. We’d love to see you!

The service is informal and lasts for approximately 90 minutes. Tea and coffee is served after the meeting so stick around and say hello.

kids church is available for children aged from 4-11 years old.

You can also watch our live stream on Facebook.

“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world.”

— Matthew 5:14.

Church life.

There are loads of things going on at Light Church, including...

  • Small groups are the best way to build strong relationships with others, grow in faith and learn more about God and the Bible.

  • Prayer gatherings. We believe prayer matters and changes things.

  • Our foodbank centre is a part of the Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank. Anyone can reach crisis point and we’re here to help when that happens.

  • Light Church Playgroup is our weekly carers and tots group.

  • Beloved is a community of women from Light Church who gather to encourage, pray and grow.

  • Unite is our community of men who gather at regular events to build good friendships and sharpen each other in faith.

We’re still working on our new website.

Keep checking back for more. In the meantime, we’d love to see you on a Sunday at 10:30am.